In Class
- Read Banquet Hall farewell and write one discussion question
- Begin Midterm: Helpful App. Come to class with either an InVision, PDF or google slides document that has 3 different concepts for the project. All 3 must be totally different ideas and not iterations of one. For example: one idea is an app for feeding your dog, the second idea is an app that visualizes the sounds around you, the third idea is an app that helps you track your water intake.
- Your presentation should be at least 9-12 pages long (about 3 slides per direction). For each concept, describe your project with words and images. Introduce what it is and why you think it should exist. Support each concept with research and even light explorations. This can include similar apps, apps that are not similar but have a user flow you’d like to utilize, design research and references. What is this going to look like, what categroy is this app going to live under, who is going to be using this app. etc.
- If you’re stuck, I’d format the slides as Slide 1 – introduce app with a sentence explaining it and why it should exist, add supporting images. Slide 2 – what relevant research did you do for this? show me either apps, photographs, illustrations, websites, historical references etc here, Slide 3 – who is going to be using this app, what are they interested in, what other apps does this person use? Slide 4 – light pass at some visual explorations (spend more time on research)