In Class
- Save your work on the drive in a folder with your name
- Students get in pairs. Your partner is your discussion leader.
- Present work from last week. Your partner will lead the critique. Example questions:
- Which is the most succesful direction? Why?
- Which is the clearest direction?
- In one word, how would you describe each direction?
- What direction has the most potential to produce unexpected results?
- How would you push your favorite direction forward? What could help refine this idea?
- Which of the directions feels different from what exists?
- Which of the designs is most believable at the moment? Least believable?
- Does the design match the integrity of the concept?
- Helpful App: Based on the critique from today’s class, pick one direction and begin developing it.
- Create wireframes for the main pages
- Begin designing off of the wireframes.
- Come to class next week with the main pages fleshed out. We will have individual meetings and a work period.